Tag Archives: son

Poetry Collection!


I would like to report that I spent my first day of September preparing and sending my collection of poetry, all 263 pages to my Collaborators, my Son, my Thing and my Mammoth.
I hope they like it. I revealed my true feelings, and after all, this collection of poetry is a delayed response to a love poem, my Thing sent to me. I have been involved with this wonderful man l for most of my life, it seems. Not that he didn’t know how I felt about him, but not that long ago, I sent him a text, telling him how I never imagined having such feelings for a man 70 years old. Not that I am much younger, but at 64 years old, I am no spring chicken either. This means Andrena Zawinski that I will be able to put together some poems from this new collection tomorrow, and the timing is perfect.
All of this because a poem written with my Collaborator, my Thing, and my Literary Executor has won a Pushcart Prize, for a poem I wrote as a response or collaboration to a poem of his, ““What You Can’t Understand Is Poetry Is Connected to the Body Again” my poem “Blue Coming” as published in <abstractmagTV.com> thanks to JL Jacobs
All parties involved in this collection, all of my collaborators, and I Love all of them with all my heart.    Pushcart reading  16 November 2018, The Strand Bookstore, NYC, 7:00 pm EST.   I will be there with my son, one of my collaborators in the new collection.  I hope that my other collaborator with be these also, as my prize-winning poem could not exist without him, Mr. Bob Holman, also my Thing, and my Mr. Muse, and my Literary Executor.     Nor could the new collection exist without him, my primary collaborator for a good many years.  Do I Love this man?  Of course! 
I would be a fool not to, and I tell him every day.



I could not be happier about this!  

Here are locations where this poem maybe experienced:

Abstract mag Tv Thylias Moss feature , interview url:

Pushcart prize, “Blue Coming”


“Blue Coming” read here:http://abstractmagazinetv.com/…/pushcart-prize-selection-b…/