SORRY, but I begin this Sunday aware of the meaning embedded in OPTION CLAUSE #20 



“20. In consideration of the covenants of this Agreement, the Proprietor agrees to give the Publisher the first opportunity to obtain book-publishing rights in his next book-length work.  The Proprietor shall submit the manuscript of such work to the Publisher before showing it to any other publisher, and the Publisher shall thereafter have thirty [30] days to notify the Proprietor if it wishes to publish such work, and if so, to propose terms and conditions (provided that the Publisher shall not be required so to notify the Proprietor until the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date of the first publication of the Work).  If within thirty (30) days after the Publisher’s having proposed such terms and conditions, the Publisher and the Proprietor fail to reach agreement with respect thereto, or if the Publisher does not wish to publish such work, then the Proprietor shall be free to arrange for publication elsewhere provided, however, that the Proprietor shall not enter into an agreement for publication of such work with any third party on terms and conditions equal to or less favorable than those terms and conditions offered by the Publisher.”

Song of the realization about the lies from my so-called”friend” wearing two hats as my publisher, and as my agent, my agent lied to me, did not mention Option #20

clearly on behalf of the publisher, not the writer, 

Mark Morrison’s “Return of the Mack” –for the line “You Lied to me”


In the photo, I am illuminated by honesty; see how it glows! Maybe I shouldn’t say any of this, maybe I should pretend to be ignorant a little longer, but when a dead rat is found, action is required no matter when it is found.  And I have found one. Two hats, my publisher and my agent; those hats can not be worn well simultaneously.  

I feel like a fool for beliving anything.

Then again, you know what is said about “Smiling Faces” (1971, UNDISPUTED Truth):

I know! The TRUTH!

want to drive me to litigation?

This is a way to do it! 


A suggestion: throw out the existing contract and send me a new one, without Option clause #20 and get me a bound galley immediately, “Remember, I’m your FRIEND”! –HARDLY; I DONT THINK SO.  “True friends” do not treat each other this way!

They just don’t. Too much conscience.

And a need to live with themselves.  

TRUTH will get you in the end.  


I feel sorry for those who prey upon the little poet, those who have that need.

I do not, and I am glad; I can live with myself without regret.  

No bound galley?  Really? I recommend putting a bound galley in the maiil immediately; prepared for publishers and not for me?

Send me yours then.  

Send me yours.  

You must have one or can get your hands on one.  I deserve at least that.  

Write that into the NEW contract also, for YOUR book evidently, not mine.

I will not sign it until someone without  a hat reviews it!

Hat brims can cloud vision, and pull wool over eyes. The mask has come off.

You know my address.

My poetry is my truth! –I do not play with truth. 

I am exposing a “black” truth behind your white lie; I am rememering what was said about rejection of a blurb; it is the reason that disturbs me more than the actual rejection.  I have the email with that content in it, and I will never forget what was said.

Also your reasons for preferring that I not post the PDF of the Wannabe”jacket, and this is a quote, this is the truth:

“We would rather that you not post the pdf.  They are made specifically for reviewers.  We don’t want them to be pirated, sold, reproduced, poems taken, etc. etc.  All of these things affect your income (and ours), and contribute to incorrect versions floating through history….  Please don’t do it.

Truth is Sacred! 

Friend as defined in Wikipedia: <;

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people.[1] Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association. Friendship has been studied in academic fields such as sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and philosophy. Various academic theories of friendship have been proposed, including social exchange theory, equity theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles. A World Happiness Database study found that people with close friendships are happier.[2]

Although there are many forms of friendship, some of which may vary from place to place, certain characteristics are present in many types of bond. Such characteristics include affection, sympathy, empathy, honesty, altruism, mutual understanding, and compassion, enjoyment of each other’s company, trust, and the ability to be oneself, express one’s feelings, and make mistakes without fear of judgment from the friend.

While there is no practical limit on what types of people can form a friendship, friends tend to share common backgrounds, occupations, or interests and have similar demographics.

–in case a refresher course is needed.  Seems to me it is. Note, please that “honesty” is part of the definition, as is “altruism“, “understanding“, “compassion“; thank goodness I know these qualities, essential qualities to life, elsewhere, a barren, empty existence without them…





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