Romance Novel update

It gives me great pleasure to be able to repory that on 29 June 2016, about 6:00 pm:

309 pages; 58,357 words.

Hoping for the best.

I completed another version of my ROMANCE NOVEL! — I hope the final version! –and have sent it to the only two men who will be reading it –at this time, Jason Kirk, my editor, and my closest friend in this world.    


They have it now. 


After them, assuming it snags the interetst of a publisher, the world will finally be able to read this book! –previously, my editor told me this:


“I think the manuscript is close. To give you an overall sense, I think the majority of the work is done. Structurally, it’s pretty sound, and everything you’ve added to it has been to its benefit. I’m focusing on a few remaining structural issues and some line-editing, but the result should not require a huge amount of work on your part. After that I think it’ll be ready to shop around.

So rest easy, I think it’s getting very close, and the majority of the work for you is done. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished, and I thank you for your patience with me”

I hope that my revision lives up to the promise he saw, that I experienced writing it –I really want to be that woman on this romacnce, and I really want to be with the man in this romance–  The book is streamlined now, and I am not a new writer; this romance novel WILL BE my 12th book!

–I hope very soon! –I need to get this hot little book in my hands and under my pillow, steamy holiday gifts, the stuff of really good, intimate cheer.  

Of course, the book is explcit as it neds to be for the romance between this woman and man; easy to create them; just who is the woman I would want to be, and who is the man I would want for myself?  –and what do they do when they get together? 

That is what I made…

Now, I get to wait for responses… 

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