Category Archives: identity


Happy to report that progress is being made on my book, my 11th book, a collection of New and Selected Poetry, September 2016, Persea (no doubt soon to be on the Persea website:

Wannabe Hoochie Mama Gallery of Realities’ Red Dress Code

(jacket copy from the book: “As if the muse of Wallace Stevens were transplanted into the body of a black-Indian, female pop-culture maven.”—Village Voice

This career-spanning volume by Thylias Moss, “a permanent American poet, canonical in the old, authentic sense” (Harold Bloom), conveys the full extent of her dazzling poetic innovations over the past thirty-five years with substantial selections from each previous collection, as well as over fifty pages of new poems.

A poet whose innovations have influenced generations of writers, Thylias Moss is a sort of taxonomist-preacher, whose profound meditation on American culture underlies and propels the dazzling lyrical and impassioned passages she writes in outraged response. This new volume gathers together substantial selections from her previous books and follows them with more than fifty pages of daring new work. Whether in early poems or more recent output, Moss make no promises of smooth sailing: even when they begin with beloved cultural icons (Robert Frost, Dr. Who, the Statue of Liberty), her poems spiral outward, insisting on new perspectives, truths, and realities―particularly of African American experience. For more than three decades, Moss has been a fearless re-inventor of poetry’s possibilities. Her New & Selected is a momentous publication by “a visionary storyteller, a major figure in contemporary American poetry” (Charles Simic).

Thylias Moss, Professor Emerita of English and Art & Design at the University of Michigan, lives in Ypsilanti.

$29.95 hardcover (CAN. $38.95) |
Territory  World | ISBN 978-0-00000-000-0
September 2016




I added “Indian” in the quote from Village Voice because I do not want to omit my father.  Such an important man to me and source of the name “Thylias”.  He didn’t name me immediately but had to wait until he met me to be sure that he was giving my the correct name, and then he created “Thylias” because he told me that “since there had never been a presence like mine in the world, I needed  a name that also hadn’t been in the world”‘


Calvin-tight crop 1950 copy

my father (died the year before I graduated first in the class from Oberlin College)


Frizzell Brasier copy

my paternal grandfather (I never met him alive; sure wish I had)


available for pre-order now on Amazon

Possible author photos (by Ansted Moss, photographer and filmmaker):

Red Dress Code-01Red Dress Code-03Red Dress Code-02

(I still don’t know for sure which image will be used on this book)

I am increasingly excited about this book, and really look forward to having the galleys, those indications that publication is not far off.  September! –have to have summer first, and whatever summer promises!

 Another highlight was my interview for National Poetry Month in the “Huffington Post” by Jonathan Hobratsch

And I must repeat how wonderful it was to have my video, “The Glory Prelude to a Widow Shrine System” in the Ellipsis exhibition at the Pulitzer Fine Arts Foundation, 3716 Washington Boulevard,  St. Louis, Missouri, 63108  314.754.1850  I had the pleasure of seeing Treasure Redmond at the opening of this event, and my video shared company with videos poems by John Bresland: “Mangos”, and John Lucas and Claudia Rankine, “Whiteness, INC.”  –What an honor for my work to share space with their work.   You have until 2 July to see this exhibit, and I also must add how wonderful to have my work represented with work by my favorite artist, Felix Gonzalez-Torres (“’Untitled’ (Placebo-Landscape-for Roni),” 1993) –also interactive as visitors are to take a piece of the candy that forms this installation.

Images from the poetry reading in the Pulitzer courtyard, just outside the  Ellipsis exhibit I read the poem “Higginson Matters in Magnificent Culture of Myopia” (grapes correspond to  lines in the poem , that actually refer to peaches, two peaches on the speaker’s body, and when the reader says:”when he finally lifts it electrified to his mouth,” all lift a “peach”
(in the poem, but peaches were not in season in St. Louis on 15 April, as they were when the poem was read in Detroit, MI at N’Namdi’s, so everyone lifted a grape to their mouths; for the interactive part of the reading, I lifted and bit a grape also, of course, and turns out that “grapes” were even better… more about the appropriateness of grapes when the book is actually published and when “Higginson Matters” appears this summer in “The Fiddlehead):

Art meant to be touched and consumed. 

My thanks to all at the Pulitzer who helped realize this essential part of the poem; not the same at all, loses too much meaning if this indulgence is omitted…

grapes from the pulitzerelipsis-251elipsis-260elipsis-250elipsis-248elipsis-208elipsis-216elipsis-208

 In this last photo, I am reunited with Rafia Zafar, a professor at Washington University who had been a colleague at the University of Michigan; what a pleasure it was to have this reunion, and I’m so glad she was able to attend.  Also in the photo, Aaron Coleman, former student of Rafia Zafar, who was able to inform her of my reading and the exhibit when he picked me up at the airport, and Treasure Redmond, poet, with her father — pleasure to meet both of them!

A few video stills of “The Glory Prelude to a Widow Shrine System” by Thylias Moss:


THE GLORY PRELUDE (to a widow shrine system)enlarged-Hi_RES_11-2THE GLORY PRELUDE (to a widow shrine system)enlarged-Hi_RES_13-1THE GLORY PRELUDE (to a widow shrine system)enlarged-Hi_RES_15-1STILL FROM MY VIDEO POAM: “THE GLORY PRELUDE TO A WIDOW SHRINE SYSTEM”


STILL FROM MY VIDEO POAM: “THE GLORY PRELUDE TO A WIDOW SHRINE SYSTEM” Thylias, age five with her mother and as part of Ankor Wat, with my hair growing wildly, and part of what is natural, unstoppable growth

Piano Hair, video stilll from "The Glory Prelude"

“Toy Piano” on which “Piano Hair was both composed and performed.

THE GLORY PRELUDE (to a widow shrine system)enlarged-Hi_RES_01-3


Music for “The Glory Prelude“, still on exhibit through 2 July 2016, was composed and performed by Ansted Moss (as Strexx Motion Lab on YouTube), with Thylias Moss, who captured all the footage, including my mother who still hasn’t grasped that she is in this video; she would never have consented had she known, and that really is such a shame, as the video is flattering to her and other women.  

A print version of “The Glory Prelude to a Widow Shrine System” (also to be in “Wannabe Hoochie Mama Gallery  of Realities’ Red Dress Code“) may be experienced here, as it appeared in “The Offing”:

The Glory Prelude


Other news that I hope is exciting, it is to me, is completion of a draft of my romance novel, only completion of a draft, not acceptance for publication,  but that is coming soon! –I feel it, a book so special for many, many reasons, and I will persist until I have it right, which I may have right, now… I will hear something sooner or later.  

Yes, a romance novel about love and intimacy, the kind I dream about, and hope for every day… 376 pages; 76,086 words –I am pleased with just having written so much,  but I hope I’ve achieved quality also.  


Looking ahead,  I can say that the author photo for this romance novel will be taken by Tony Smith


I, for one,  look forward to this. 


As soon as I can, I will say more, but please join me in a most fabulous and, well, erotic dream system…

Thank you very much for reading this, and lets keep in touch!

New Writing happening


At work on a new project; can’t say much about it, as I don’t yet know that much about it myself.  Perhaps a ritual to embrace summer? A ritual to reclaim myself?


But, I have to keep writing, even while I’m unsure… I have no other job now –this is it: “Write or die!”  Truly “Publish” or “Perish“!

Recently had a blurb approved for “LFMK” a collection of prose poams!”–a blurb approved by ML Liebler! blurb for “Looking for My Killer” — a prose poam of which,Majorana Harem Culture” will soon  be online in One! edited by Richard Krawiec

Homage to Leonard Nimoy as the Vulcan Mr. Spock LLAP!

First, I must deal with the fact, that   Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock, half Vulcan and half human (He’s a blend just like I am, Native American, African American, and Caucasian), Mr. Spock, from facebook

died on my 61st birthday! 02/27/2015.

I was dazzled! –completely shaken, as this man has been my first serious crush (I’m so pleased to say) ….     I want to be from Vulcan also, and sometimes felt as if I were from someplace else, somewhere that would allow me to cross many boundaries of space and time, as if there were no boundaries at all, especially between people (yeah; such idealism is mine, no matter how impractical; I realize that wars will continue to be fought, and it’s very unlikely that people will ever “get along” –too much has happened for many of us to just forgive and forget.  So contrary to a sense of justice for which someone is guilty, and not just society itself.  

Perhaps why I’m so touched, so inspired by a story about the Gainesville Tornadoes...

And this tribute to Leonard Nimoy on CBS news, Sunday Morning –please enjoy this bittersweet passage –because Mr. Spock doesn’t end –a tine, behaving as all tines do! LLAP! LLAP!  LLAP! –in your new form….

Some photos of me from my 61st birthday, 02/27/2015, also date of Mr. Spock’s death, from COPD, same as my father in 1980, 13 July 1980:

Birthday pic 7 (02:27:2015)Birthday pic 4 - o2:27:2015Birthday pic 6 (02:27:2015)

Here is the “forker girl” youtube playlist of Leonard Nimoy videos (a list in progress)

Mr. Spock youtube playlist.

My beloved father (Daddy’s girl speaking! –pure Daddy’s girl, and I’m not ashamed of this! –he understood me as no one ever did…  Please try to understand my Calvin-tight crop 1950 copyCalvin & Thylias in WeddingBrasier family circa 1959 copy



continued attachment. Only photos of my father and I together.  My father used to Vulcanize tires (for the Cardinal Tire Company, in Cleveland, Ohio, and though I searched feverishly for some online recollection of this establishment I couldn’t find it, so cannot link with evidence of this memory, and Mr. Spock being from the Planet Vulcan, this coincidence is just too much!  My father vulcanized tires for a company that no longer exists –I can find no mention of it as if it’s more mythic than anything that ever existed… and this is fitting, since I was writing about the Vulcan mind-meld  in my fairy tale, “Once upon a Sky-Blue Tine” and trying to figure out what possible meaning could be associated with my birthday –that I was determined to minimize –who am I? and what difference do I really make?  –that is, I am not the center of the universe or universes that converge and diverge in space I occupy… Not my private universe at all…  

There’s just something about that mind-meld! –I’ve found the idea of it to be so very sexy; not the only way it was used on Star Trek, but when it worked, how dazzling. Mind gives birth to just about everything.  I’m glad to host a place so un-boundaried inside myself… Just the way my Daddy tried to raise me! –even to consideration of what lay beyond the stars! –he never, for instance, suggested to me that the moon was made of cheese –he suggested rocks, beautiful rocks, some of which might glow depending on what they interacted with, maybe green (Spock green) –maybe they would glow green! as in Verde, the Greening of Electrons a video poam I made, while I was still married, but here it is –please note — no Lorca from my ex-spouse, only a dream I had; only a dream… Sweet and green dream, but only a dream…so is everything! everything! My Mr. Spock youtube playlist

I grew up with a father always interested in how things connected… Perhaps he was aided in his view by his own mixtures of racial components, Native American, Caucasian, and African American, half of course (as was the Vulcan Mr. Spock a half-breed, a mulatto, mixed blood, as if anyone doesn’t come from a mixture of blood; as if there’s any one of us not mixed!